
Our Committees are the heart of CRA. We operate solely on the work these volunteers provide and are so thankful for everything that they do! Any member in good standing can volunteer to join a committee. If you are interested in joining a committee please reach out to and we will connect you with the chair(s) of the committee(s) you are interested in. 

Conference Committee
Dan Maccia

The Conference Committee is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the annual conference. Work is delegated to subcommittees in some cases, but includes anything from managing the Call for Presentations and CEU application to the award nomination process, working with the venue, making decisions on food, hotels, giveaways, recruiting sponsors, etc.

Membership Committee
Tracy Abzug

The Membership Committee is responsible for managing memberships, assuring quality offering of benefits to members, and recruiting new members. Some of this work is done in partnership with the Communications & Marketing Committee. 

Communications & Promotions Committee
Heather Honaker

The Communications & Promotions Committee is responsible for the branding, promotion, marketing, and external communications of CRA. The committee assures that our messaging is consistent through all our internal and external communications. Social media or basic graphic design experience is beneficial but not required. 

Finance Committee
Chair: Jaime Brewer

The Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing budgets, income, and expenses. They assures CRA is on track to meet our annual financial goals. Financial/accounting acumen is a plus but not required. The Finance committee meeting once a quarter and committee members may be tasked with projects in-between meetings.

Training & Education Committee
Travis Atinkson

The Training & Education Committee is responsible for scheduling, coordinating, hosting, and promoting webinars throughout the year—usually 5-6 each year—as well as any other educational opportunities. 

Advocacy Committee
Shelby Roche

The Advocacy Committee identifies opportunities for local, state, and national advocacy for Crisis Residential Programs and Crisis Services, including sign-ons for legislative support and advocating for inclusion in research and education about crisis residential and peer respite’s role in effective crisis care.